Dog Adoption Application

(i.e. swimming, camping, family outings)
(Clinic Name, Address, Phone Number)
Answers are expected to be complete and truthful, as they will enable us to better comply with your requests and requirements. Failure to provide accurate information can result in revocation of the adoption at any time by Loving Arms Pet Placement. By completing this form the undersigned expressly give permission to Loving Arms Pet Placement to verify information contained in this application, and further release Loving Arms Pet Placement from any and all liability associated with this application or the adoption process.
I/We attest that the Terms and Conditions of Adoption, as stated above, have been read in full by Me/Us and I/We understand that these terms constitute a part of the adoption agreement between Me/Us and Loving Arms Pet Placement and will be enforced.
I/We attest that information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of My/Our knowledge. I/We understand that completion and submission of this application does not guarantee adoption of a pet. If application is submitted electronically, I/We further attest that no changes have been made to the content of this document and understand that my approval by signature is assumed and agree to transmit a signed original or facsimile prior to any decision by Loving Arms Pet Placement on my Adoption application.
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